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     又名精神战士,超能力战士,唱歌神精战士日版 Psycho Soldier 1987 SNK 横版射击类psychosj.zip街机游戏,1P角色麻宫雅典娜初登场,后活跃于拳皇系列及其衍生作品的登场角色,拥有超能力的日本女子高中生兼偶像歌手,以超能力和中国拳法进行战斗。游戏里的音乐挺不错的,日版


又名精神战士,超能力战士,唱歌神精战士日版 Psycho Soldier 1987 SNK 横版射击类psychosj.zip街机游戏,1P角色麻宫雅典娜初登场,后活跃于拳皇系列及其衍生作品的登场角色,拥有超能力的日本女子高中生兼偶像歌手,以超能力和中国拳法进行战斗。游戏里的音乐挺不错的,日版有女生歌曲。


Psycho Soldier is a 1986 release by SNK. It is a side-scrolling shooter featuring two-player simultaneous play. The major character is a girl named Athena. She fires blasts of psychic energy as her main weapon. She can collect orbs which she can control telepathically. These orbs protect her from some projectiles and can also be launched at targets. The orbs will explode on impact. Her companion, a boy named Kensu, can help her with his own powers. Together they clean up a ruined city full of monsters and mutants.


